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Refund Policy

Thank you for enrolling in courses at Academy of Dilexus Infotech. We are committed to providing high-quality online educational experiences. Please read our refund policy carefully before making any purchase, as the fees for all our courses are non-refundable.

Non-Refundable Courses

All courses offered by Academy of Dilexus Infotech are non-refundable once the purchase has been completed. This policy applies to all course formats, including but not limited to live online sessions, pre-recorded lessons, and downloadable materials. By enrolling, you acknowledge and agree to this policy.

Exceptional Circumstances

In exceptional cases, where access to the course is not provided due to technical issues on our end (such as incorrect course access or system errors), we will ensure prompt resolution. However, such cases do not entitle the user to a refund of the course fee.

Course Access and Satisfaction

We strive to ensure you have uninterrupted access to all course content upon purchase. Should any dissatisfaction arise, we encourage you to reach out to our support team to resolve the matter to your satisfaction. Please note that dissatisfaction with the course content, once accessed, does not qualify for a refund.

Damaged or Incomplete Access

In the unlikely event that the course content is damaged (e.g., video or audio not functioning as intended) or you experience incomplete access to course material, please contact us immediately. We will work diligently to correct the issue. If the issue cannot be resolved within a reasonable time, we may provide alternative access to the course material or extend course access time at our discretion.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please contact our customer support team at hello@dilexus.dev or +94 717 344 333. We are here to assist you and ensure that your learning experience with us is as smooth and effective as possible.

By purchasing our courses, you agree to this refund policy.

Academy of Dilexus Infotech reserves the right to update or change this policy at any time without prior notice.